My Bio, Let me first start with I love people , I have a passion to help others. Mainly to use my story of how I have overcame so many obstacles in life from abuse of every kind to homelessness and mental illness. I am a huge advocate for mental illness awareness because no one should be defined by their diagnosis but by who they are as a person. I am a Licensed Realtor for MD & PA. I am also a TV host of a National Emmy Nominated Show called American Dream TV. This all plays into me loving people and naturally I am a extrovert in case you did not figure this out by now. I love just being out there interacting with people and engaged in the community. I work with my amazing husband who is always behind the scenes trying to make me look I believe that hard work pays off and you put that with faith in God and it is a recipe for success. I do plan on one day being in ministry, traveling around the world sharing my story with others in hopes to inspire them. That means allot to me to be inspirational. I also do not believe in taking myself to seriously, I will crack a joke about myself before anyone else can. I just think you need humor in this life because what is the point if you cant enjoy the journey? Other hobbies of mine if I can find the time is fishing ,swimming , basically anything water related as I am a Pisces. My husband will hate hearing this but food I love eating out and trying different foods. OK to my husband’s point I am diabetic so some of the foods I enjoy are a no no for me. I also love football , the underdog’s in a good old game. I will start out cheering for one team but let me tell you if it is a good comeback possibility I will start rooting every time for the underdog. I guess I cant help myself. To my clients or potential clients I hope this doesn’t scare you away but I hate reading. I know what you are thinking in real estate there are allot of things to read so just I remember I said I hate it not that I do not do it. Although my husband might argue that I don’t. So lets see what else , oh I am a proud grand mom of 4 adorable granddaughters. I feel bad for my son with 4 girls , hey I had boys so he didn’t take after me there. I just truly am a good old country girl at heart who loves Jesus and people!! I can not wait to be a part of your story. Thanks for taking the time to be a part of mine.

